Edinburgh's original independent art school
Portraiture II The Structure of the head
Beginners + with artist & tutor Lewis Mackenzie Fridays 10am - 12pm
Service Description
Portraiture Drawing IIThe Structure of the Head This course is aimed at beginner artists and those wishing to brush up on their head-drawing fundamentals. The skills learned here will be developed further in terms 2 and 3, as part of a year long programme. The term can be taken independently also, do not be put off if you enter 1/2 way through the year, as all drawing practise in such a methodical teaching approach can only be beneficial! This course is also great at preparing the student to begin painting. It is wonderfully versatile, in that if you want to draw for a year and paint the next, you can, or if you would like to prepare for an afternoon of painting by first a morning of warm up drawing, you also can. As such, the course is highly recommended as a precursor to the “Portrait Painting in Oil: Beginners+ & Intermediate” course. The purpose of this course is to provide students with a firm foundation in the basics of head drawing, with a particular focus on understanding of the structure of the head through constructive line drawing from life. Students will begin by studying the skull and will learn the proportions of the head and neck, before moving on to a series of short pose drawings from the live model. Finally, students will undertake a two hour and a six hour study from life (the latter over three weeks), during which the concept of light and shadow will be introduced. The course focuses on drawing, as the foundation of visual understanding and the bedrock upon which painting skill is built. Course Structure: week 1: • Short presentation – The Basics of Light and Shadow • Light and shadow analysis 1 – short poses Week 2 : • Light and shadow analysis 2 – short poses Week 3: • Modelling in the round vs. modelling by planes • Light and shadow analysis 3 – 1.5 hour pose Week 4: • Mass drawing in Charcoal 1 – 2 hr pose, developed from week 3 analysis Week 5: • Mass drawing in charcoal 2 – 2 hour pose Weeks 6 – 8: • Mass drawing in charcoal 3 – 6 hour pose Materials: ESSENTIAL (EDS provides): • 3B drawing pencil • willow charcoal • Heavyweight smooth white paper • Eraser RECOMMENDED (Student provides): • SKETCHBOOK for note-taking • KNITTING NEEDLE/KEBAB-STICK for measuring distances and angles • PLUMB LINE AND BOB for checking vertical alignments (a large penny washer on a string works well) • SMALL MIRROR for checking your work (a smartphone screen is fine)

Upcoming Sessions
Cancellation Policy
We will provide a 50% refund if you give written advance notice up to 30 days before the course start date. 0% refund 30 days before a course starts. Please note there is an administration fee of £5 payable in respect of such refunds to cover payment processing fees. You will need to inform a member of administration staff in writing by emailing EDS at Additionally, if you withdraw for any reason after the course has started you will not be entitled to a refund. We are a small business and we depend on every booking to ensure that classes can go ahead. If a tutor has to withdraw from teaching the scheduled course for any reason (medical/personal/professional) before the start of a scheduled course, during a scheduled course, if the course is 8 weeks long or scheduled as x3 terms of 8 weeks long each, The Edinburgh Drawing School will find a replacement tutor for the course designed by that tutor for The Edinburgh Drawing School. The course content will be the same as the originally booked course. A student will not be entitled to a refund should the school have no option but to find a replacement tutor. If a tutor leaves and starts work elsewhere, and a student prefers to take classes with them personally at the tutor's new workplace, that is at the discretion of the student and no refund is entitled to them or will be given. If a student is unable to attend a class due to medical/personal/professional reasons, then EDS must be informed immediately so that the tutor can be notified. If you are missing a class because you suspect that you have developed Covid-19, please let us know immediately so that we can alert fellow student and tutors. Non-attendance of classes/workshops does not automatically mean a refund, however EDS will assess the circumstance
Contact Details
13A Great King Street, Edinburgh, UK
+ 0131 556 0971